17 Needlefish Facts You May Not Know About

needlefish facts

Needlefish is quite a common breed in most countries and yet its activities are quite rare to understand. Most people don’t know how they live, attack, and what’s so unique about them?
So in this post, I’m going to cover 17 facts about needle fish that you may not know about.

Fact #1: Its Name

Needlefish has been named for its needle kind of shape. They are quite slim and long just like a needle.
Needle fish has many other names like garfish, platybelone, keeltail, belone belone, garpike and sea needle.

Fact #2: Bright Light Attraction

Needlefish try to find the light at night. They are very attracted towards the bright light. And because of this nature they are often hunted by anglerfish. A fish which has a bulb like thing coming out from inside of their heads.

Fact #3: They Can Unknowingly Attack You

They are so much attracted towards light that they can jump out of water at the night. This means that if you’re on a boat in water and you’re wearing a headlamp they can jump on you.
Which can get very dangerous at times.
So make sure, never hunt for needlefish at night nor pass a sea that is known to have needlefish.
Or try to light up different parts of the boat and don’t attach anything of bright light to the body.

Fact #4: They Swim At The Surface Of The Water.

Usually they swim at the surface of the water. Especially when it’s the daytime. In the night, the story is different.
Some of them go deep inside because they see a bright light of the anglerfish and get hunted by them.
Needlefish is the natural predator of an anglerfish.

Fact #5: Speed That Can Kill

They leap out of the water at the speed of 38-40 miles per hour that’s 61-64 kilometer per hour.
That’s about a speed of an old Ford model T car.
The school of needlefishes jumping out of the water at such speed are capable of puncturing the human body with their pointed beaks.

Fact #6: Killed 2 People

Most of the times they are not very aggressive towards humans.
But, if you happen to be on their way they can attack and wound you.
The report before the starting of the 2016 year says that needlefish has killed about 2 humans.
Obviously, that doesn’t translate to just 2 deaths. These are just the reported ones. The deaths might be more.

Fact #7: Hard To Catch

Needle fish are hard to catch because they are quite fast and can sense the surroundings pretty well.
When they sense there is a danger around. They may not bite on your lure.

Fact #8: They Are Of Different Sizes

The needle fish have different species as well. Some are big and some are small.
For example, the Atlantic version of the needlefish is quite small where comparing them to the hound fish.
Houndfish is the largest of all needlefish and aggressive as well.

Fact #9: There Eggs Are Toxic

Beware, never take their eggs for eating purposes.
They are very toxic and when consumed you can get badly hurt or worse can even get you killed.

Fact #10: Oviparous Animal

Needlefish are oviparous and the eggs are released to the external environment prior to fertilization.

Fact #11: Clear Silver Color

They are silver in color and usually are clear without having any spots and patterns on them.

Fact #12: They Attack Smaller Fishes for Living

They eat small fishes including krill, swimming crustaceans, and small cephalopods.

Fact #13: People Eat Them

Here’s a photo of a restaurant which provides needle fish as a menu.
As needlefish is a good source of vitamins and minerals so that’s not a bad thing at all.
They are rich in vitamin B, D and contain minerals like phosphorus, iodine, potassium and calcium.
Other benefits the needlefish can provide you are:
·         Reduce cardiovascular risk
·         Improves blood flow in every part of the body
·         Nourishment of hairs
·         Glowing skin
·         Strengthen bones

Fact #14: There Is a Long String Attached Between There Head and the Body

There is a long string attached between there head and the body. The string is about of 3-5 inches in length and depends on the length of the fish itself.
You can see in this YouTube video:

Fact #15: Needlefish Killed a Soldier

A Thai soldier got died by a needlefish attack. The attack was quite disruptive. The needlefish attacked the soldier at the speed of about 40 mph and right on the neck.
The soldier was at the coast and during the training session when this happened in Thailand.

Fact #16: They Prefer Warm Coastal Waters

Needlefish prefers warm coastal waters then cold water. According to a little research conducted in this area says that they can tolerate the temperature but, on a little scale.
They like to mate a lot and that might be a reason behind their love for the warm water.

Fact #17: They Are Confusing To Catch

People always discuss about the color of lures and the best time to catch them.
Some tell their stories like - I’ve used to catch the needlefish with the white color lure while other people say I’ve tried the same lure color but couldn’t be able to catch even one.
Some say they are better to catch at night while some say they have much more success in the morning.
Needlefish have caused a huge misunderstanding among fishermen.
The one thing that works for a person doesn’t work for another.

Wrapping It Up

Here’s a full list of facts about needlefish I knew about. If you know some unique and interesting about them be sure to mention them in the comment section below so I can take a look and possibly add them to the list so others can get to know as well.
