Atlantic Needlefish

Atlantic needlefish is also known as Strongylura marina. Which is a silver colored thin structured fish lives in fresh water.
It’s a common specie under the category of demersal needlefish.
Atlantic needlefish or any other specific type is not quite dangerous because of the fact they are not really aggressive.
But, if you happen to be on their way they will rip you off pretty quickly. Usually, because they travel in flock and can attack accordingly.
In this post, we are going to cover a lot about Atlantic needlefish and how they live what they eat and go deeper into insights as well.

What Does A Atlantic Needlefish Eat?

The Atlantic needlefish like to hunt for silversides, shrimps and small fishes like killifish. They have the ability to wait and catch when the time is right with their scissor like sharp and deadly teeth’s.
On the flip side they also get attacked by larger fishes like bottlenose dolphins or birds like eagles, gulls, ospreys, pelicans, black skimmers etc.

Atlantic Needlefish Vs Houndfish

Most people consider both the same type when that’s not the truth.
Both Atlantic needlefish and houndfish are different from one another and possesses different characteristics and structures.
Atlantic fish usually do a pretty high jump out of the water mainly because of their thin front structure that gives them the ability to cut down water pressure and friction and thus they jump out of the water pretty high.
The same goes for the hound fish as well but, the only difference is their jump are not quite high compared to the Atlantic needlefish.
The main and easy way to identify the difference between them is to look for their size and heaviness, the houndfish is usually heavy then Atlantic needlefish.
Houndfish found in Atlantic waters that touches New Jersey and go up to the Brazil and Caribbean sea. They are not really aggressive.
As for the Atlantic needlefish, they are pretty aggressive (at times not usually) but they are naturally carnivore not to humans but for other smaller size fishes.

Are Atlantic Needlefish Dangerous?

As said in the starting of this article generally not. But, if you disrupt their way of living in any way they may become aggressive and do an attack which is usually very harmful.
I’ve already discussed in detail on this matter about needlefish wound which applies to Atlantic needlefish as well.

Atlantic Needlefish Size

The size of Atlantic needlefish range from 3.0 to 95 cm (1.2 to 37.4 in) in length.
This is also true for the all the needlefish types as well but, you can pick the smaller scale just for Atlantic needlefish which are the smallest type of all the other needlefishes.
Baby Atlantic needlefish are way smaller and of usually the size of an index finger.

Baby atlantic needlefish

Can You Use Atlantic Needlefish For Bait?

Absolutely, you can. In order to catch big fishes with the help of Atlantic needlefish is a great idea. And also because they take so much little space. A small tub can contain thousands of needlefishes.
So definitely if you have a tub full of needlefishes and you’re looking to catch bigger fishes go for it and use the Atlantic needlefish as a source to catch bigger and better fishes for selling or eating purposes.

Are Atlantic Needlefish Edible?

Yes, Atlantic needlefish are completely edible and people of Costa Rica love them. They are usually eaten in the fried form.
They are pretty crunchy when fried and naturally has a very good taste to them.
They are consumed whole without you removing any parts of them because they are so small removing something out of them doesn’t really make sense.

Can Atlantic Needlefish Kill You?

No way, they can’t. They are pretty small to hurt a human.
They can definitely have an ability to hurt a human but, can’t kill them.
Even their mature form can’t.
Their speed and sharp teeth’s can make you wound though no exceptions there.

How Atlantic Needlefish Look Like?

The Atlantic needlefish has silver sides and their backs are greenish. They can grow up to 2 feet in length.
They are thin and have slender jaws which are filled with dozens of tiny teeth’s aid them to kill their source of food and eat easily.

Wrapping It Up

Here you have it. This is what the Atlantic needlefish look like and this is how they live and eat.
If you have any questions or information regarding the needlefish do let me know in the comment section down below.
